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Jack Green: Blog


Fact and fiction.

Posted at 4/4/2018, 10:57:44 AM

Thank you,jym shorts,for taking the time to read the series 'Over the Hills and Faraway', and then leaving a comment. Glad to learn that adultery is unknown in the US.

I should point out the series is a work of fiction, and is no more a picture of life in Britain than is the Harry Potter series -- as any Muggle will tell you.

Telling it as it is.

Posted at 11/29/2017, 11:44:55 AM

Thank you, fasbirmahmud, for your illuminating and incisive thoughts regarding book 5 of Poacher's Progress.

Such a well reasoned and argued critique as you left on the comment page give us writers the enthusiasm to keep writing.
I look forward to more of your succinct, motivational, pronouncements.
Perhaps I could persuade you to review the series?

Have a nice day.



Posted at 11/15/2017, 2:48:52 PM

Currently I am suffering a distinct loss of interest /enjoyment in writing, which means there will be an indefinite hold on Book 6 of Poacher's Progress.

I apologise to my reader for this state of affairs.

Jack G

Action ... Reaction

Posted at 9/23/2017, 2:34:19 PMUpdated: 9/23/2017, 6:05:55 PM

Judging by the sudden nose dive of the score for Duty and Duplicity several readers were not best pleased at the way the story ended. Perhaps they think I have bumped Jack off.

Not a bit of it.

I thought I had strewn plenty of clues as to which way the saga will develop, but to make things perfectly clear let me state here and now ---there will be a book 6 -- Jack will rise again. Stand on me!

I hope it will not be as long a wait between books as last time , but I do have other projects .You may recall 'Tales from an ex Brat' are culled from an on line magazine to which I contribute -- 'First and Last', the journal of the 81st Entry of RAF Halton Apprentices.

Last Saturday I attended a reunion of said entry in Birmingham, that is Birmingham West Midlands, not Birmingham Alabama, although it took as long for me to reach the former by road as it would to reach the latter flying from the UK.

As you can imagine members of the illustrious 81st Entry are of riper years, mature, verging on the mouldy, and it is a moot point as to which will run out first ; contributors to the magazine or readers of the magazine.

It will be a close run thing.

When the last man standing turns out the lights he will deposit the 50 plus journals into the hands of the RAF Museum as a treasure trove of anecdotes, articles, and histories, of over 60 years of experiences of the 300 boys who comprised the entry when first assembled. Historians; military, aviation, social, and family, will find many and varied goodies within the pages of the archived journals.

However, an archive is as only as useful as the index to it, and I have set myself the job of indexing the journals. When I returned home, and sobered up, I realised what a ginormous task I had set myself, even your man Hercules would have given it a miss. So I ask my reader to bear with me. I will try and multitask ,which will be a first for me, but nothing ventured nothing gained, and fair heart never fu … well, you know what I mean.

Best regards


Reader's Comments

Posted at 9/18/2017, 11:46:33 AMUpdated: 3/9/2019, 3:47:34 PM

Comments: This is a relatively new facility, allowing readers to comment on the book they are currently reading, presumably to give other readers an inkling as to the merits, or otherwise, of the story.

I have replied to a couple of comments but believe I am out of order … what I may think about my work is bound to be biased, and anyway it is not the writer but the reader whose comments are requested.

I am answering a couple of questions posed in Comments for book 5 of Poacher's Progress via this blog.

GeauxLSU: Yes, there is a Book 6 envisaged. At the moment all I have is an opening sentence and an Epilogue. Just need to fill in the bit in the middle.

De11al. Any glitches are down to me, and are post editorial. When formatting I tend to rearrange/change/ cock up some of the good work done by my editor Oldrotorhead .Yes, let me know anything spotted which is amiss. I will repost chapters where necessary.

Perhaps those readers with queries, or with errors spotted, will in future send me an e-mail with the information. My addy is on my homepage.

Best regards

Jack G



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