"Clothes Left in Dryer Overnight, Then Another Night, Then..." Mixed-media, 2017. $1395 - SOLD."Sour Cream-Covered Spoon Left In Sink Before Leaving Town For Four Days," mixed-media (metal, porcelain, sour cream, filth), 2017 - $3400 - SOLD"Choose Your Weapon (Or, Midnight Snack)" - Mixed-media, 2017. $53,000."A Monument to A Vanquished Paper Towel Roll or New Rolls Are [Arrow Pointing Downward] But Bending Down is Hard" - Mixed-media, 2017. $4200 - SOLD"Boxes Left on Couch Because What Even *Is* Breaking Them Down and Recycling or Even Leaving Them Not On the Couch" - Mixed-media, 2017. $6000 - SOLD."Es importante tener en cuenta que el arte aumenta su valor con el paso del tiempo, como fue el caso de 'Forgotten Milk, Left to Actively Go Rancid in Fridge Far Beyond Sell-By Date' - Mixed-Media (Plastic and Animal By-Products)"Vintage Chili Spoon on Freshly-Cleaned Counter" - Mixed-media, 2017. $725.“Packaging from China, Overstaying Its Visit”
Mixed-media, 2017.“Butter Study No. 20 - Garbage Disposal Eggo Tribute.” Mixed-Media, 2017.